About Me

My art and aspirations

Felicity Stewart-Hoffman

Hello! My name is Felicity. I am a 21 year old artist and I am currently in my 3rd year of college. I've been working on improving my art skills for a little over a year now and there has never been any decision I have made in my life that I am more happy with.

I am currently a general studies major and I am working on getting a lot of my required classes out of the here that are needed for the art administration program at Marywood University next year.

Previous to enrolling in Luzerne County Community college I was at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for two years. The first year I was there I was a journalism major and I learned a lot about how to really keep up with accurate current events all around the world. Despite the fact that I abandoned that career path I am still very interested in keeping up with the times. I also think it is very important to do so. During my second year I was an art education major. During that last year there is when my skills really started to improve.

My favorite art style, and the style I tend to do the most, is realism. This means that I strive to make my art as close to photo realistic as my current skills will allow me. You can find some of my art work that I have done, as well as some that I am currently working on, on the page that is labeled "portfolio".

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Here is a little about me in video form
