finished harold

This is the first drawing that I did for the fall 2023 semester. I did this drawing for my Illustration I class at LCCC. It is a drawing of Harold from the "scary stories to tell in the dark" stories.

girl in leaves piece

This is a charcoal realism portrait that I did for my drawing I class this semester. This is a piece that I will be submitting into the art show the school is holding during the spring 2024 semester. This piece took me about 40-50 hours to work on and complete.

in progress piece

This is piece that I am currently working on. I have put in about a about 8-10 hours into this drawing so far. Not  everything is refined and finished as of yet, But I think documenting the process and progression of a drawing is very interesting to witness. This drawing is for my drawing I class as well and it will be my final drawing when it is complete.